Reporting office according to the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG*)

The HinSchG is the German implementation of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law. We have set up an internal reporting office in accordance with § 12 HinSchG, which you can contact confidentially if you would like to report legal violations by our company. The reporting office representative is Dr. Thomas H. Lenhard**. The following reporting channels are available for reporting to the reporting office:


1. Email: Please send the email to; Please note, however, that the postcard principle applies. Before you send sensitive data, you should definitely exchange a password with the registration office representative.


2. Telephone: You can reach the registration office representative on the mobile phone number:

++49 (0) 171 – 62 47 326

(Calls with suppressed phone numbers will not be accepted)


3. Finally, you can also contact the registration office by post:

Dr. Thomas H. Lenhard

Registration office representative (ASD)

Bergstraße 20

D- 66976 Rodalben


Please note that every incoming report must be checked for relevance, plausibility and credibility. Although identity protection is the focus of the HinSchG, the identities of whistleblowers are not protected if they intentionally or grossly negligently report incorrect information about violations (§ 9 (1) HinSchG). In addition, in such cases, the person providing the information is obliged to compensate for the damage (§38 HinSchG). Please also note that data protection regulations (e.g. transport encryption) must be adhered to when making the notification. * HinSchG: Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz 


** The personal data of the reporting office representative must not be used for any purpose other than establishing contact for the purpose of reporting or providing advice regarding the HinSchG.