Dr.sc. (ETHZ) Dipl.-Chem.

Irene Walz

Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney​

Dr. Irene Walz studied chemistry at Philipps University Marburg and at Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. She graduated at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich with a Diploma in chemistry, focusing on synthetic organometallic chemistry, and completed her Doctorate in 2007, focusing on enantioselective catalysis at ETH Zurich. 


In 2007, after finishing her post-doctoral research in the chemistry department of the University of Oxford focusing on total synthesis, she started working in the field of Intellectual Property at a law firm in Munich before joining our team in 2019. 

Her areas of expertise include patent prosecution and opposition proceedings, defence and enforcement of property rights as well as freedom-to-operate analyses in the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences.



German, English, Russian





Associate | Office München

Irene Walz

Isartorplatz 1
D-80331 München
Tel. +49 (0) 89 212 160 0
Fax +49 (0) 89 212 160 66